Exploring Cannabis Law with retired Judge Mary Celeste

Eps. #25 JULY 25TH, 2023

If you're curious to learn more about cannabis law and the challenges it presents, this episode is a must-listen.

We are joined by Judge Mary A. Celeste (ret.), an educator and legal authority in the field of cannabis law. Mary stresses the need to have a comprehensive understanding of all applicable laws related to marijuana use in the workplace. This includes recreational and medical marijuana laws, disability statutes, discrimination statutes, and appellate cases. It's crucial to be aware of any testing parameters set by your state or city as well. Tune in to gain insights into the evolving landscape of cannabis law and its implications for the workplace


Judge Mary A. Celeste (ret.)

Speaker, Educator and Consultant

Judge Mary Celeste

Guest(s): Judge Mary A. Celeste (ret.), Speaker, Educator and Consultant

Judge Mary A. Celeste (ret.) sat on the Denver County Court bench from 2000-2015. She was the Presiding Judge from 2009-2010 and the co-founder of the Denver County Court Sobriety Court. She is currently a law school professor and university professor teaching Cannabis and the Law and is considered a national content expert on the topic of cannabis. She was a co-coordinator for the 2022 National Interdisciplinary Symposium which included judges, attorneys, law students, specialty court professionals HR, toxicologists/scientists, law enforcement, and NORML. It also included cannabis commissioners and state legislative experts. She has written many articles on the topic of cannabis and is a national speaker and consultant on many topics related to cannabis including, marijuana and drug-impaired driving, specialty courts and cannabis, cannabis and juveniles, and other topics.

She is a former member of the Judicial Advisory Board for the Foundation for the Advancement of Alcohol Responsibility (FAAR); Faculty for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) and the National Judicial College (NJC). She has also served as the past chair of the ABA National Conference of Specialized Court Judges; the President of the American Judge’s Association and the Colorado Women’s Bar Association Foundation, and, as a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Judicial Outreach Liaison.

She has presented to AJA; ALA; NEADCP, NADCP, APPA, ABA, DATIA, NHTSA, NEADCP, Lifesavers, Pennsylvania DUI Association, Michigan and Louisiana Association of Drug Court Professionals and to Judges, Attorneys; Specialty Court Conferences, National Interdisciplinary Cannabis Symposium, and Safety Highway Offices in the States of Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, U.S. Territories, and in Canada.

Shari Simpson

Shari Simpson stands at the forefront of the human resources field, blending 20 years of rich experience with cutting-edge educational credentials. With an MBA, MHRM, Certificate in E-commerce Management, and SHRM-SCP certification, she is now pursuing a Doctor of Education in Leadership and Innovation at Purdue. As the HR Mixtape podcast host, Shari shares invaluable insights with industry experts, establishing herself as a thought leader in HR. She is a sought-after speaker at local and national conferences, collaborating with industry leaders to elevate HR, payroll, and business sectors. Beyond her professional achievements, Shari is a proud mother of three sons—one a veteran and two currently serving in the US Navy—a dedicated dog mom and an avid reader. Her 25-year marriage to a fire department Chief adds depth to her understanding of service and dedication.


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